| 태그 'HTTP'에 해당되는 글 1건 |
| WebDAV return codes 정보 |
Tech - https://ohyung.net/654 (YMD: 13/02/17 14:40)
대충 정리.
WebDAV는 HTTP의 확장으로 웹서버의 파일, 폴더등을 편집등의 수정을 할 수 있도록 만들어주는 Protocol 이다.
IETF NWG에서RTC4918로 정의됨. http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4918 

출처 : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange/aa126058.aspx 

200 OK [HTTP]
201 Created [HTTP]
202 Accepted [HTTP]
203 Non-authoritative Information [HTTP]
204 No Content [HTTP]
207 Multi-Status [HTTP]
210 Content Different

400 Bad Request [HTTP]
401 Unauthorized [HTTP]
403 Forbidden [HTTP]
404 Not Found [HTTP]
405 Method Not Allowed [HTTP]
406 Not Acceptable [HTTP]
409 Conflict [HTTP]
412 Precondition Failed [HTTP]

414 Request URI Too Large [HTTP]
415 Unsupported Media Type [HTTP]
423 Locked [WebDAV]
424 Method Failure [WebDAV]
501 Not Implemented [HTTP]
502 Bad Gateway [HTTP]

COPY Method
201 (Created) The resource was successfully copied.
204 (No Content) The source resource was successfully copied to a pre-existing destination resource.
403 (Forbidden) The source URI and the destination URI are the same.
409 (Conflict) A resource cannot be created at the destination URI until one or more intermediate collections are created.
412 (Precondition Failed) Either the Overwrite header is "F" and the state of the destination resource is not null, or the method was used in a Depth: 0 transaction.
423 (Locked) The destination resource is locked.
502 (Bad Gateway) The COPY destination is located on a different server, which refuses to accept the resource.
507 (Insufficient Storage) The destination resource does not have sufficient storage space.

204 (No Content) Standard success response.
423 (Locked) The destination resource is locked.

MKCOL Method
201 (Created) The collection was created.
401 (Access Denied) Resource requires authorization or authorization was denied.
403 (Forbidden) The server does not allow collections to be created at the specified location, or the parent collection of the specified request URI exists but cannot accept members.
405 (Method Not Allowed) The MKCOL method can only be performed on a deleted or non-existent resource.
409 (Conflict) A resource cannot be created at the destination URI until one or more intermediate collections are created.
415 (Unsupported Media Type) The request type of the body is not supported by the server.
507 (Insufficient Storage) The destination resource does not have sufficient storage space.

MOVE Method
201 (Created) The resource was moved successfully and a new resource was created at the specified destination URI.
204 (No Content) The resource was moved successfully to a pre-existing destination URI.
403 (Forbidden) The source URI and the destination URI are the same.
409 (Conflict) A resource cannot be created at the destination URI until one or more intermediate collections are created.
412 (Precondition Failed) Either the Overwrite header is "F" and the state of the destination resource is not null, or the method was used in a Depth: 0 transaction.
423 (Locked) The destination resource is locked.
502 (Bad Gateway) The destination URI is located on a different server, which refuses to accept the resource.

200 (OK) The command succeeded.
403 (Forbidden) The client does not have access to the property.
404 (Not Found) The property could not be found.

207 (Multi-Status) Multiple response codes to be found in XML body.
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트랙백 주소 :: https://ohyung.net/rserver.php?mode=tb&sl=654